Class 7 - Miss Collinge
All about Class 7
Welcome to Class Seven with year five and six, our teacher, Miss Collinge and teaching assistant, Mrs Bradshaw.
Here on our class page you can find our long term curriculum plan which shows what we will be learning throughout the year. For the academic year 2024 - 2025 see cycle BD.
We will keep you up to date with our learning by posting regular photos of what we have been up to.
Don't forget to keep an eye on our Facebook page too.
You will notice that our curriculum is split into cycles this is due to the mixed age classes we have here at St Oswald's.
2023 - 24 Cycle AC
2024 - 25 Cycle BD
Please click on the icon to learn more about the curriculum in Class 7.
Reading in Class 7
Like our other Key Stage 2 classes, we too use the Collins Big Cat and Oxford reading schemes. The reading books are broken into bands; each band contains a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry books. We use these books for guided reading lessons and as home readers. It is important that children read regularly at home and we encourage you to share books as much as possible.
Should children require further support with phonics we use the Red Rose Letters and Sounds Synthetic Phonics Programme as St Oswald's is a Red Rose School.
We're crazy about reading in class seven and love to see what the latest addition to our reading shelf is. With the help of our teacher, we've been contacting several authors and we're pleased to say we have had some amazing replies.
If you are looking for a book recommendation, check out the reading recommendation lists in the reading section of our school website. A great number of these texts can already be found in our class or school library.
What have we been up to in Class Seven?
In PE this term we have explored dance through the ages and perfected our Charleston and Jive skills. We worked together to create our own dance motifs showcasing the different dance styles we have learnt about.
In gymnastics we have been revising counter balances and counter tensions, mirrored and matched shapes. We have learnt to demonstrate trust in with our partners and supported each other to perfect our shapes.
In class seven we also attend weekly swimming lessons at our local pool, Accrington Academy, in the autumn term. As well as improving our stroke technique we have learnt how to stay safe in and around water and what to do should we find ourselves or someone else in trouble. Our swimming teachers say we are now water safety experts so be sure to ask us for our top tips.
This half term we have been exploring Roman Ribchester and what the Ribchester hoard teaches us about Roman life in Ribchester and in Britain. We visited the Roman museum where we looked at the ruins, Roman bath house and even tried on Roman armour!
Back at school we we used our enquiry skills to find out what the artefacts told us about life in the past. We decided that we would not like to be Roman soliders; the armour and helmets are far too heavy!
Homework in Class Seven is handed out on a Monday and usually includes maths, reading and spelling work.
Children are expected to complete their homework and hand it in on a Thursday. If your child needs help with their homework, please send it back to school on Tuesday or Wednesday so we can assist.
If you have any concerns about your child's homework, please do not hesitate to contact school.
During daily spelling lessons, we cover spelling rules that are taken from the Year 5 and 6 curriculum. Spelling lists are created based on the rule or objective for our weekly session and sent home as part of our weekly homework.
In Key Stage 2 we follow the No Nonsense Spelling scheme.
Please click on the icon to read more about spellings.