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St. Oswald's RC

Primary & Nursery School

Nihil Satis Nisi Optimum Only the best will do

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Equality at St. Oswald's

Celebrating Disability Day

Bart Gee came to visit us to share his life experiences and the positive influences he has had so that he can achieve anything! Bart believes that everything should be met with positivity and an attitude of 'how can I achieve this or how will this work for me?'


"I was recently invited to take my Turning Disability Into Possibility assembly and workshops at St Oswald's Primary School.  During the workshops I asked the children to try tasks as if they have my disability with the restricted movement I have in my limbs.  The children were focussed and participated in the tasks by giving great suggestions and you could see how much they enjoyed shuffling across the floor as it was a new experience for them and many came to me enthusiastically wanting to show me how they could write using two hands.  The children treated me with respect and I was very well looked after by the staff."

Bart Gee

Lancashire Equality Mark



St Oswald's have signed up to work towards achieving the Lancashire Equality Mark.

The Lancashire Equality Mark is awarded to schools who have taken measures to embed Equality throughout their practice with the goal of enabling all pupils to thrive in a supportive learning community. It has been developed by a working group in Lancashire and provides a clear framework to guide schools through the process of auditing, developing and consolidating good practice in different areas of Equality. It builds on and extends the good practice of the Lancashire Race Equality Mark.


















The Equality Mark comprises now comprises of six individual Equality Badges:

  • Race Equality Badge
  • Sex Equality Badge
  • Disability Equality Badge
  • Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • Sexual Orientation and Gender Re-assignment Equality Badge
  • Religion and Belief Equality Badge

When a school achieves all six badges they will be awarded the Equality Mark and the Equality Mark flag. Schools determine their own pathway through the framework by identifying meaningful priorities that will make a difference in the area of equality in their school community and will support their wider development plans. Schools can work at their own pace and they can choose from a range of packages of support to meet their individual requirements.


Please view our Equality policy under our 'Policies' section of our school website. 


We are currently working towards the Religion and Belief, Disability and Race Equality Badges.

Equality Charter

At St. Oswald's, we have signed up to the Equality Charter, which is displayed in school too. 

Equality Objectives 2024-25

Equality Public Sector and Equality Duty
