British Values
British Values
At St. Oswald’s Primary School, we celebrate and promote the values of Jesus Christ in all that we say and do. Our Catholic values permeate all areas of our curriculum and underpins our approach in embedding ‘British Values’ at the core of our curriculum. For more information, please see each of our curriculum pages to find out how we embed Birtish Values within each subject.
School leaders and staff value the diversity of backgrounds in our school family and wider community and recognise the importance of providing our pupils with the opportunity to flourish spiritually, morally, culturally as well as academically, within a framework of Catholic Christian values. This ensures each pupil leaves with the strongest foundation of values to enable them to positively contribute towards our British society. Although discrete PSHE curriculum time is timetabled, a significant proportion of PSHE provision including British Values will take place within other wider school and curriculum contexts, for example; trips, visitors, workshops, themed days and themed weeks. The teaching of PSHE including British Values is well resourced with the PSHE Association resources, books, artefacts and opportunities for enrichment. At St. Oswald’s, British Values are intertwined with our core Catholic values. We encourage our children to be caring, independent, openminded and respectful citizens.
We help pupils to develop an, ‘understanding of how citizens can influence decision making through the democratic process.’
- School council representatives, Eco-Council and Reading Ambassadors are elected by pupils in the school.
- All children are encouraged to express their views and make a meaningful contribution to our school on matters that are important to them.
- Children have the opportunity to have their voices heard via our school council representatives and subject pupil questionnaires.
- The principle of democracy is explored in the curriculum as well as during assemblies and special days, such as School Democracy Day.
- Pupil, parent and staff voice play a central part in developing school improvement priorities.
- Our pupils are encouraged to have a view and to stand up for what they believe in.
- Our curriculum covers British and world history including a unit on Black History when democracy has been threatened and how people reacted to it.
The Rule of Law
We help pupils to develop an, ‘appreciation that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety.’
- Pupils are taught from an early age the rules of the school and that these rules are integral to learning and our sense of community. They are taught the values and reasons behind these expectations; that they are there to protect us, the responsibilities this involves and the consequences when rules are disregarded.
- We have clear, fair behaviour expectations that are actively promoted and rewarded. All pupils are informed of these school codes of conducts, as outlined in our school behaviour policy.
- Pupils are encouraged to reflect upon their actions and make right choices.
- All pupils are given the opportunity to say ‘sorry’ and understand importance of forgiveness.
- Our behaviour and anti-bullying policy demonstrates our unacceptance of violent and aggressive behaviour for all members of our school family.
- Ongoing educational visits from our Local Police force and Fire Service force help to reinforce the importance of law.
Individual Liberty
Pupils’ self-confidence, independence and self-belief are nurtured in all areas of the curriculum.
- We give all our pupils the opportunity to make their own choices in a safe, supportive environment, regardless of their backgrounds.
- Pupils are encouraged to exercise their freedom and are given guidance through PSHE, RHE and Online Safety.
- A strong anti-bullying culture exists at St. Oswald’s.
- Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our Online Safety and PSHE lessons.
- Pupils are given responsibilities and a choice of leadership roles and supported to become positive role-models.
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
We help pupils to develop an, ‘understanding that the freedom to choose and hold different faiths and beliefs is protected in law.’
- Gospel Values permeate through all areas of school life and we care for and look after each other as a family. The strong school ethos encourages everyone to consider, respect and support each other as well as celebrating each child’s unique gifts.
- Respect is a core value promoted in everything we do. Pupils understand what respect is and understand the need to show respect to everyone, regardless of faith and background.
- Our school curriculum aims to develop understanding of the world. The RE, RHE and PSHE schemes of work provide opportunities for pupils to develop tolerance and empathy towards those from different faiths, beliefs and cultures.
- Pupils are encouraged to learn about and respect those from other faiths, cultural and racial backgrounds; this is supported across the curriculum, particularly in assemblies, worship, PSHE and religious lessons.
- Links with local faith communities and visits are celebrated in school, including trips to the local mosque and lessons on Judaism.
- We offer a culturally rich curriculum that explores a range of faiths, cultures and traditions.
- Discriminatory behaviour is always challenged. Our school policies and curriculum encourages all members of our school community to stand up for what is right.