GIFT team
What is the GIFT team?
GIFT stands for growing in faith together; our GIFT team are a group of children selected by the staff and their peers, called to lead the school in spiritual development, strengthening our relationship with our Parish family of St. Mary's and supporting others in their faith journey.
Duties include:
- Ensuring that Christ is at the centre of all we do
- Attending weekly meetings and cluster school workshops
- Preparing and leading whole-school liturgy and worship sessions
- Supporting children as they plan and prepare for worship in their classrooms
- Working together to design and create religious focal points throughout the school
- Helping others to understand their faith
- Working with the Parish and local community to strengthen existing relationships
GIFT Team Members
Our gift team is made up of children from Upper Key Stage Two and supported by Miss Collinge.
We meet regularly to discuss points on our action plan for the year as well as to plan and prepare whole school and class worship, religious activities and events throughout the Liturgical year. We also work closely with Father O'Brien who is always on hand with lots of exciting and interesting ideas to help us.
We are lucky enough to work with our cluster primary schools and Mount Carmel High School to share ideas and plan for events in the Church's calendar. These days are always great fun.
What our GIFT team have been up to
Rosary Rally - Joyful Mysteries
The GIFT team worked hard to plan and deliver a beautiful liturgy focusing on the Joyful mysteries of the rosary. Following on from our work in classes with Father O'Brien, they provided the opportunity for all to reflect on the joyful moments in the lives of Mary and Jesus. Our decade of the rosary was dedicated to the petitions of those in the parish who had asked us to pray for them as well as to ask Mary for peace in the world.
Each class took part in their own worship session focusing on one episode in the Joyful mysteries. Their work can be seen on our beautiful display in the school hall.
Thank you to the parents, parishioners and governors who joined us.
Rosary Rally - Glorious mysteries
The month of May ended with our Rosary Rally - a time for the whole school to come together to celebrate Our Lady during the month of May. This rally was extremely special as we were presented with our very own statue of Mary, who was kindly donated to us by a family in the parish. We were fascinated to hear of her journey through Europe and now here to St Oswald's. Father O'Brien blessed the statue and she was presented with a beautiful floral crown. A huge thank you goes to the GIFT team for once again preparing such a calm and glorious liturgy.