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St. Oswald's RC

Primary & Nursery School

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Class 5 - Mrs Harrison

Have a look at all the amazing things we do in Class 5!

All about Class 5


This is the first step into the Juniors and the children in this class are in Year 3 and 4.  


In our class, we cover a range of exciting topics such as Explanations, Poetry, Stories with Issues & Dilemmas and Magazine Articles in English, Textiles & Collage in Art & Design Technology, Vikings & Anglo-Saxons in History, Map Reading in Geography, Sound & Electricity in Science, a range of bible stories and all about other faiths in RE and a range of skills in PE. 


During the Summer Term, the children enjoy visiting Accrington Academy for swimming lessons. These weekly lessons teach them some fantastic water safety skills and also allows them to become more independent in the pool. It is important that children are in school at 8:30 on swimming days and that they remember their swimming caps.


We visit Forest School up at Rothwell Heights in the Autumn Term where we fully immerse ourselves in outdoor learning.   


To find out a little more about our class and what they we learning this term, please have a look at 'What we are learning in Class 5.'


If you wish to know more about the Year 3 and Year 4 curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact school.



Curriculum Reading


Like our other Key Stage 2 classes, we too use the Collins Big Cat and Oxford reading schemes.  The reading books are broken into bands; each band contains a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry books. We use these books for guided reading lessons and as home readers. It is important that children read regularly at home and we encourage you to share books as much as possible. 


Should children require further support with phonics we use the Red Rose Letters and Sounds Synthetic Phonics Programme as St Oswald's is a Red Rose School.  


Reading for Pleasure 

When the children have the opportunity to read for pleasure they will have selected their own book from the library, something which interests them at an appropriate level.  This book may be linked to a specific curriculum area, a topic which they find interesting or one from their favourite author.


All children also have the opportunity to take a book home from the library to read.  The children will bring this book back and swap it once they have read it.  The staff in Class 5 are always on hand to make recommendations to the children if they are looking for something new to read.


At the end of each day, the class teacher will read to the class using their class novel.  This may be a book which they are studying as part of their English topic or a book which the children have requested.  

Within Class 5, the children will cover a range of topics across the curriculum.  Due to the amount of history and geography topics that the children are required to study in Key Stage Two and the mixed aged classes that we have at St Oswald's, we run a four year cycle.


2023 - 24    Cycle AC

2024 - 25    Cycle BD


Please click on the icon to learn more about the curriculum in Class 5.  
