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Primary & Nursery School

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Pupil Voice


Here are St Oswald's what our pupils think is incredibly important to us.  Below are some of our pupils thoughts about our curriculum.



We always learn really interesting facts that we can go home and share with other people - Year 1

We have learnt lots about what a priest will say at Mass - that was fun - Year 2

I have watched some really fun videos that have helped me understand things - Year 3

I like learning about Jesus and all the things that he did in his life - Year 4

When we were learning about Judaism, we tasted a lot of different foods that we have never tasted before, this was really fun and interesting to learn about - Year 5

I never knew there were so many different books in the Bible.  I have learnt a lot about each of them and what they are about - Year 6




I really like learning how to add really big numbers together - Year 1

I love doing doing halving and doubling - I know my doubles really well but halving is a little bit trickier - Year 2

I can now share how to do fractions with my friends and family - Year 3

I know that I have worked hard and listened really well when I can do things that I couldn't at the start of the lesson - Year 4

I know I am doing really well in maths because my teacher tells me and encourages me in lessons - Year 5

Maths in my class is really tricky - we get to do all different things with fractions like convert proper and improper fractions - Year 6




I really like all the stories we do - Year 1

I love learning new things in English - I just really love learning! - Year 2

I would love to write more stories in English, maybe about a girl who stole an elephant like in the book we are reading - Year 3

I really enjoyed writing my own advert in lessons - it was fun to try and convince people to buy something - Year 4

I really enjoyed creating my own Blackout Poems - I never thought I would be able to make one - Year 5

I like writing, I created my own adventure story which I loved doing - Year 6




I like to make jigsaws on the IPads with numbers and colours - Reception

I really like using the IPads at school - Year 1

I have enjoyed using different sound programmes - Year 2

Making music on the IPads has been really fun - I can't wait to do it again - Year 3

I have loved finding out about the different APPs and programmes we can use to help us with our learning - Year 4

I enjoy learning new skills and ideas in all the different parts of computing - Year 5

I am proud of the work I have done in Coding - Year 6




In Science I really enjoy touching materials - Year 1

I really like doing my own research in Science - Year 2

I have learnt a lot about light this year and how it travels in straight lines - that was fun - Year 3

I was really proud of the big circuit with all the lights in that I made - Year 4

I really like that we can do lots of different hands on activities, investigations and experiments - Year 5

I created a fact file all about the different planets - it was really detailed and I was very proud of it - Year 6




It is always really fun when we do PE - Year 1 and 2

I really like that the PE we do at school keeps me fit and healthy - Year 3

I like doing little competitions in PE and how my teacher tells me ways to improve for the next time I do it - Year 4

In PE at school we get to work with lots of different coaches and different people from class - Year 5

We learn lots of new sports and games, things I have never done before.  I now know how to swim, which makes me really proud - Year 6




I like seeing stuff from a long time ago - its cool - Year 1

I really liked when we learnt about Guy Fawkes, we wrote about him and we got some black cardboard and made firework pictures - Year 2

We made a booklet all about Thomas Edison which was really fun and not really like work work! - Year 3

I have enjoyed learning about the Wright brothers and all the things they did with flight inventions - Year 4

In history I really enjoyed writing a report about the soldiers in the war  - Year 5

I really enjoyed learning about what has happened in the past when usually we have to think about the future - Year 6




In our role play area I learnt that I have to wash my hands before I eat my pizza because I will get poorly - Year 1

I really like that some things I learn in RE about being good and kind, I can use in PSHE as well - Year 2

I have loved making a poster about how to be healthy in my body and in my head too - Year 3

In PSHE, I like that we get to talk about things for our lives and what we can do to be happy when we are adults - Year 4

I have learnt all about being a good global citizen in PSHE and how what I do can help the world  - Year 5

I have found PSHE really interesting because I have learnt all about financial matters and financial risks - Year 6

PML (Primary Modern Languages)


I like learning lots of different words and listening to other people speak in French - Year 3

I like learning different things in different languages, I can now count in English, Spanish and French - Year 4

I have enjoyed putting all our vocabulary together into sentences and then turning these into conversations  - Year 5

French is really fun - I like that by the end of each lesson I can pronounce really tricky words that I did not know at the start - Year 6


Break times


I like playing on the equipment and racing games at playtimes - Year 1

I love that we each have a day where we get to play football - Year 5

I enjoy going on the wobble boards, tyres and swinging bridge - Year 3

I like going on the slides and the bikes at play time - Reception 

This year we have had lots of equipment to play with like the stilts, hula hoops and tennis balls - Year 6

I like doing the laps for our mile but could we do it around different parts of the Astroturf, maybe split everyone up into different sections - Year 4

I would like to have slides on the Infant yard like we did in Class 3 - Year 2
