School Council
Our school council is voted for by the children. Each year in September, the children from Classes 4, 5, 6 & 7 are given the opportunity to apply to become a member. They complete an application form and the information is collated and turned into a voting card. It is an anonymous vote & both the voters and applicants names are withheld.
Our current school council members are:
Class 4 - Joshua & Safa
Class 5 - Eva & Sania
Class 6 - Fayha & Ava
Class 7 - Innaya & Quinn
We meet at least once each half term to discuss certain issues and activities within the school. They organised Easter Bingo last half term and this half term they are looking at Road Safety around our school. This is an issue around school and children across the whole school were asked to enter a competition to create a bright & colourful poster with a key message. The completed entries have been collected and the school council members picked their 1st, 2nd & 3rd choices. These will be shown to both staff and governors who will select the finalists. The winning posters will be shared on our school Facebook page and on here. To support this further, they will be organising a Walk To School day to co-inside with King Charles III Coronation to promote the benefits of walking to school over getting dropped of by car. This will take place on Friday, 19th May.