School Uniform
School Uniform
The following items of school uniform are available to buy / order from school at cost price:-
- Embroidered sweatshirt - £9.50
- Embroidered polo shirt - £8.50
- Embroidered sweatcardi - £11
These items are 'classic' quality, not basic. Other items of uniform are available locally.
Pre-loved uniform is also available from school - please contact the school office for further information.
Winter Uniform: School sweatshirt / cardigan; polo shirt; grey skirt / trousers.
Summer Uniform: As above but with shorts / short sleeves or a blue and white checked dress.
Please see School Uniform Policy under "Key Information" - "Policies" for full uniform details.
We also request that children wear sensible low heeled, black or brown shoes or black trainers. If children come to school in boots (due to bad weather conditions), for reasons of safety we suggest that parents provide shoes / pumps for indoor use.