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St. Oswald's RC

Primary & Nursery School

Nihil Satis Nisi Optimum Only the best will do

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Class 3 - Mrs Guest

Hello and welcome to Class 3!


Thank you for taking the time to look at our page. We hope that you will find all the information you need, but if not, then please do not hesitate to contact school and we will happily answer any questions you have.


We know that all children have different starting points and we appreciate that each child is unique. Through our teaching and stimulating learning environment we help all the children to become life long learners, overcoming boundaries and ensuring each step in their journey matters.


We encourage and foster firm links with families and recognise that education is a partnership. Parents and carers are informed about learning and events through our Facebook page, newsletters and our class dojo page. 


Our themes are taught on a 2 year cycle - Cycle A and Cycle B

This year (2024-2025) we are following Cycle B

 Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
Cycle A

All about me



Pole to poleCome outsideToys




Cycle BMy family

People who

help us




(Houses and





(Houses and


Ticket to Ride






Our Learning Journey

Autumn 1

Outdoor Learning

Here at St Oswald's, we firmly believe in the importance of providing our children with a well-rounded education that extends beyond the confines of the classroom. Our EYFS team has been working tirelessly to create an outdoor learning environment that fosters curiosity, creativity, and a love for the natural world.

Outdoor learning not only allows our little ones to explore and discover the wonders of nature, but it also supports their physical development. From climbing frames and balance beams to mud kitchens and sandpits, our EYFS outdoor area is a treasure trove of opportunities for children to develop their gross motor skills and coordination.

Furthermore, outdoor learning promotes social skills and collaboration. Through activities such as den building, gardening, and role play, our children learn to communicate, negotiate, and problem-solve together. These invaluable skills will serve them well throughout their educational journey and beyond.

Research has shown that learning outdoors enhances children's concentration and engagement levels, leading to improved academic performance. The fresh air, natural light, and sensory experiences ignite their curiosity and stimulate their minds. Our EYFS team has carefully designed a curriculum that seamlessly integrates outdoor learning into our daily routines, ensuring that our children have every opportunity to thrive.

Whatever the time of year, we encourage you to embrace the great outdoors with your little ones. Whether it's exploring local parks, going on nature walks, or simply playing in the garden, these experiences will not only bring joy and happiness but also support your child's holistic development.

Useful You Tube Channels 

If your child is requesting to use the IPAD after school or at weekends you can show them these fun channels on You Tube which makes learning fun.  

You Tube has some superb resources to aid children's learning. 

Reading in Class 3

All children are taught to read and spell using the Red Rose Phonics Phonics programme. It aims to build children's speaking and listening skills in their own right as well as to prepare children for learning to read by developing their phonic knowledge and skills. It sets out a detailed and systematic programme for teaching phonic skills to children following the Red Rose Phonics Scheme. The children will progress through the phases below.



Phonic Knowledge and Skills

Phase One (Nursery/Reception)

Activities are divided into seven aspects, including environmental sounds, instrumental sounds, body sounds, rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, voice sounds and finally oral blending and segmenting.

Phase Two (Reception) 

Learning 19 letters of the alphabet and one sound for each. Blending sounds together to make words. Segmenting words into their separate sounds. Beginning to read simple captions.
Phase Three (Reception) The remaining 7 letters of the alphabet, one sound for each. Graphemes such as ch, oo, th representing the remaining phonemes not covered by single letters. Reading captions, sentences and questions. On completion of this phase, children will have learnt the "simple code", i.e. one grapheme for each phoneme in the English language.

Phase Four (Reception)

No new grapheme-phoneme correspondences are taught in this phase. Children learn to blend and segent longer words with adjacet consonants, e.g. swim, clap, jump.
Phase Five (Throughout Year 1)Now we move on to the "complex code". Children learn more graphemes for the phonemes which they already know, plus different ways of pronouncing the graphemes they already know.
Phase Six (Throughout Year 2 and beyond)Working on spelling, including prefixes and suffixes, doubling and dropping letters etc.


The reading schemes used in EYFS  and Key Stage 1 are -

  • Collins - Big Cat
  • Oxford Reading Tree

